Spring lambs join our alpacas
Foraged Blackberries -Making Fruit Roll Ups
What happens on a smallholding in Derbyshire in autumn?
Pregnant Alpacas | Answering the top 5 questions on Google
Look what we found!
Outdoor yoga, afternoon tea and alpacas.
January 2020 Newsletter | Snowy Days
So where is Nicole’s cria? How long until a baby alpaca is born?
What colour is our alpaca and why are we registering her?
Alpaca Fleece Facts
Wanderings in Weston Underwood and our baby alpacas reaction to meeting our hens.
Animals at weddings
Running alpacas and an alpaca pedicure
A visit from the vets, honey labels and visitors.
No more moat! Alpaca walks and worm counts.
Can you feel autumn trying to take over?
Garden demolition and walks with our alpacas.